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Alternative energy sources and biomass
After many years of exhausting the natural energy reserves, the World has come on the threshold of energy scarcity and a call for "Green Revolution" is spread throughout many countries nowadays. The fossil fuels are near to depleted and we all need to turn to alternative energy sources. Biomass energy includes domestic biomass, industrial and agricultural waste materials, as well as dry and wet waste materials and grains, each of which can serve as fuel for powerful steam generators and some of them even could be used to produce liquid and gas fuels. Series of global energy crises in the 70's and 80's of the last century and a drastic increase in consumption of energy and rising prices in recent years have become popular reason for renewable energy. Biomass is an alternative, which has recently gained great popularity.
Wood fuel re-enters the life of millions of households. The consumption of fossil fuels is accompanied by intense release of carbon dioxide - CO2 in the atmosphere, which causes so-called greenhouse effect. The quantity of CO2, which is released when burning wood, corresponds to what has been absorbed through photosynthesis while the tree is growing up. Depletion of the popular sources of energy so far, their high prices and their devastating impact on the environment brings the World to a dead-end. The use of biomass is considered correct step towards reducing the detrimental impact that modern civilization has on the Planet. The term "biomass" means organic matter of plant or animal origin. Biomass is a key renewable resource on the Planet. For its production it is not necessary to fell trees, but wood waste could be used instead. For about ¾ of the people living in developing countries, biomass is the most important source of energy.
The largest share - about 65% of the energy we use in our households, is intended for heating purposes. The question arises can we get those 65 percent from a source which combines the benefits of low prices of fossil fuels, and the convenience and high degree of automation provided by electricity, liquid and gas fuels. There are different types of biomass, but those who are interested in energy terms, there are: wood pellets, fruit stones, wood shavings, wood chips, wood briquettes or eco briquettes, etc.
Wood pellets and wood briquettes are made up of untreated wood, pressed under pressure. Most important characteristics of this Eco fuels are moisture below 10%, ash content below 3%, high density and calorific value. The other main type of fuel is wood chips or wood shavings, also known as energy splinters. Wood chips are less expensive to produce. This fuel is made through the process of crushing wood material in pieces thus does not require closed facility for storage. Usually it is stored in piles, dried throughout the summer, and then transported to where it is being used. In order to keep the cost of energy down, wood chips are harvested closer to its final consumption point. Wood chips are 50 percent cheaper than pellets, but they require larger storage space. Modern automatic stoves and burners burning biomass fuels, offer comfort combined with high efficiency and reduced maintenance of the station. These facilities reach very high efficiency - up to 95% through accurate dosing of the supply of fuel and air. The choice of biomass fuel has positive environmental impact and also provides cost effective solution for household heating.