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Energy sources and crisis
The energy sources are divided into three main categories: fossil fuels (e.g. coal, petroleum, and natural gas), renewable sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal power), and nuclear sources (fission and fusion). Energy crisis situation that scientists predict will occur as man continues to deplete the World's natural reserves, therefore alternatives to known energy must be discovered. World leading scientists have now analysed these pressing concerns and concluded that the energy crisis poses one of the greatest threats facing humanity this Century. The biomass based renewable fuels hold great promise for addressing climate-change and energy-security concerns. Bio fuels are derived from biomass such as waste from organic materials (sawdust, rice husk e.t.c).
Unlike other fossil fuels such as coal and gas, biomass is a renewable energy source. Like some fossil fuels, biomass is a form of stored solar energy. The energy of the Sun is captured through the process of photosynthesis in growing plants. Crops specifically grown for use as Bio fuels are produced all over the World. Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be used as a fuel. Although fossil fuels have their origins in biomass, these are not considered biomass because they contain carbon. Fossil fuels are not renewable, whereas biomass is renewable energy source as the growth of plants replenishes the supply. People must learn to slowly detach themselves from being too dependent on the use of energy sources that are non-renewable and expand on the use of renewable energy.